Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2010 Review

Since I took a year off from blogging some of you maybe wondering what we were doing that year. So here is a highlight so you don't feel left out!

We played together....A LOT! Which can be terrifying for some...haha
We made lots of funny faces
I chopped off 12 in of hair
Caden learned to walk
Cambree turned 3
We celebrated Easter in St George
Caleb Graduated from Preschool
We ate LOTS of popsicles
We played outside all summer long
and kept cool
I started an adventure.....and ended an adventure! (to much work, not enough time)
Caleb played baseball (and soccer)
Caden turned 1
We took swim lessons
and overcame a fear of water!!! hooray
Caleb turned 5, then learned how to ride without training wheels
We tried to sell our house, no luck!
We camped outside....well Me-ma and Papa camped outside. Mom and Dad camped in their nice new king-sized bed!
We went to Bear Lake.....
Caden grew a mustache
Cambree started preschool
Caleb started Kindergarten, and was really excited about it! haha
Caleb got to go to a BYU football game
Cambree started dance classes
Mom Blackmails Dad!!
We ate way to much candy
Caden got his first haircut
Caleb lost his first tooth. He is currently missing all 4 front teeth!!
Santa came
We had a great 2010! I feel bad for not blogging, but we have been really busy. I have re-committed myself and will be blogging regularly!
Hope you enjoyed 2010. Check back often to see what crazy things happen in 2011!!


  1. i am soooo glad you are blogging again. I can't tell you how many times I went on your old blog and was disappointed! It is so good to see your family and the things you guys are up to! We miss you and should get together, but it so hard to get down there! Hope you are well!

  2. Look at you!!!!! I'm proud of you!!! Can't wait to read your blog!!! very proud of you! :)

  3. wow, 1 year of blogging in one shot! way to go! I loved everything in your blog. thanks for including me! you have a great family!
