We got a killer deal on a condo over Spring Break/Easter in St George so we took advantage of the good weather and headed south. The first half of the week my family came and spent it with us, the last half of the week we had our friends come. It was a great vacation!!
All loaded up and ready to go!
At Cambree's request we all played Hedbanz
Cute snuggle bugs
My sister took us to these rock formations and we climbed around. The kids complained the whole way there, they didn't want to go on a "hike" it sounded "stupid". But once we got there they LOVED it. Cambree said she wanted to go back everyday of her life. Caleb loved climbing all the rock formations. Caden just enjoyed being a big kid!
Once you got to the top it overlooked the whole city, it was awesome!
We spent some time at the pool. They loved it so much i couldn't get them to hold still long enough to get a good picture. I have 3 fish!!
We seriously wore these kids out!!!
The kids woke up to find that the Easter bunny had hidden their baskets. They were a little disappointed at first because they didn't think the bunny came, but they looked all around and found that the bunny had hidden their baskets outside the condo.
The bunny even brought $$$
CAMBREE'S birthday: while we were in St George our cute little bug turned 5!! I can't believe how fast time has gone. We had a little party for her while me-ma and papa were still with us. Let's be honest we partied all week. This girl was spoiled and loved every minute of it!
We had these delicious cupcakes to celebrate!
Caden and Caleb were sad that it was all about Cambree.....and not them!
When me-ma and papa left we had a day to ourselves before the gibbons arrived so we stopped by the splash park for some fun. We didn't stay long because the water was cold and it was super busy.
Mr Coleman Chubs loved being out in the sun and warm weather.
I love these funnies!!
Coleman has started smiling a lot lately and coo-ing! I love it so much!! He has become quite the chub with rolls everywhere!! We have to dig to find his neck, I still can't find it!! :)
The Gibbons arrive!! These guys are totally our besties! We love spending time with them and know that we are in for a good time when we are with them.
Cute picture right?...
...my attempt at a second picture. These kids did not sit still for very long!!
We aren't exactly sure what happened here! Cambree brought her swim barbie to the pool and then this is how we found it on the bottom of the pool. It was pretty funny! The only conclusion we can come up with is that maybe it got caught in the pool filter and spit back out????
It is tradition that when we head to St George we eat at Cracker Barrel. Brandon loves it here. We celebrated sis' birthday and they brought her a giant apple pie desert with ice cream. She took one bite and the rest of us dove in! It was delicious.
We took the Gibbons back to the rocks to climb around for a bit. It got too cold to swim so we had to be creative.
Happy Birthday baby girl!! I love this picture of her. She was so excited to turn 5!
Coleman loved rock climbing :)
Then we went to Neilson's for frozen custard. YUM
Look at these cazies!! They love ice cream can you tell?
Ok between BeyBlades, tennis, basketball, swimming, and kicking balls in the condo these two did not sit still at all!!! It was a little crazy! I just happened to catch a glimpse of the only 30 seconds they weren't being crazies!
More birthday fun! I told you we partied all week!!
This time it was her actual birthday! We went to Brick Oven for dinner where they sang and gave her pie. She loved it. Even though we partied and ate treats all week that was not enough. Girlfriend wanted to have her cake and eat it too!! By this time we were all totally sick and couldn't even eat it! Well the kids could, not the adults!
Happy as a clam!
We had a GREAT Spring Break, Easter and Cambree's Birthday!! We can't wait to do it again!!
First Skiing Adventure!
3 years ago