Sunday, March 11, 2012

Funny things I don't want to forget

This post may just be for me but I don't want to forget these funny moments:

The other night we were sitting on the couch before bedtime just talking and for some reason we started saying tongue twisters. You know, the classics, like say Toy Boat fast 3 times or selling sea shells by the seashore. Here is what we ended up with:
She Shales She Shells down by the She Shore. We can't get past this, they were saying it over and over!
We also heard  a lot of toy Butts and we even heard a Toe Bite!! We were laughing so hard. Now I can still catch the kids when they are playing trying to figure out these tongue twisters under their breath.

On Friday nights Brandon likes to game with his Besties :) He will stay up late having a great time, but I know that he needs this time to unwind so going to bed by myself is no big deal. Well this past week he must have had a great time playing Battlefield because he was still playing in his sleep! I woke up only to hear "He's over there, go get him. Bang Bang Bang. Yes! We got him" !!

This one happened a long time ago, but I just remembered it the other day and it still makes me laugh so hard that I thought I better write it down so I don't forget. I had asked Brandon to go pick something up at Walmart. I don't remember what the item was, but I know that is was small enough to carry in one of their hand baskets. How do I know this? Because he made it all the way home with the Walmart basket! He came in the front door and sets the basket down and starts unloading it. I am staring at him with awe thinking it was a joke. Then I asked him why he brought the basket home. He looks at me in astonishment and at that point I realized that he didn't realize he had the basket. We both starting laughing hysterically!! I wonder what the other customers were thinking when they say him walk to his car, open the trunk and just throw the whole basket in? I hope that next time I send him I don't find him walking home with the cart!! HAHA

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

 There is nothing quite like licking chocolate donut off your shoulder! haha

 See why I want to just kiss this face all day long?

Sup Homies?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Camera Fun

 We have had the camera out lately so that means the crazies come out too!!

 Can you tell we have had a rough day fighting bad guys and saving the world? So rough in fact that we fell asleep with our finger up our nose!! It happens to the best of us :)

Snow?? What's that??

 It's about time! It only took until the end of Feb to get a decent snow....and it still wasn't even that great of a storm. But there was enough to go out and play and build a snowman!
 Dad got stuck with the job of the snowman, everyone else bailed on him!

 Caden lasted about 10 minutes, he does not like to be cold, so he came in for a snack......
 ....and hung out with us!

 Can you tell that I can't get enough of this guy??